Certified LoTo Expert

With our training as Certified LoTo Expert, you can qualify to be an expert on the LOT procedure in just three days. But what exactly is LoTo?
LTV (Lock Out Tag Out Verify), LoToTo (Lock Out Tag Out Try Out) or simply LoTo. There are a lot of terms for the release of energy, all meaning the same.
As a matter of fact, most accidents do not occur during the so called trouble free normal operation. Many companies have noticed this by now. The term LoTo comes from the US and is anchored in the 29 CFR 1910.147. It is about regulations, how to safely ban energy from the working place, when it is not about normal operation. Not only American companies have to face these requirements. There are also legal basics in Europe in a EU directive, which requires the adoption of LoTo.
However there is a lot to consider. LoTo raises the questions of who should create the processes and how they should be created and how employees should be instructed and what they should consider.
The topic is complex and companies often notice that it can’t be realised “just like that”. Machines should have the technical means of releasing energy. Is this the case? The main switch on the switchboard does not cover it. There is a lot more to implementing LoTo.
Please notice that our trainings and seminars in english language are only offered as in-house courses. We ask you to contact us for individual offers.
Goal of this training

During the three-day training on LoTo you will learn which fundamental approaches and authorities have to be met. These are established in the so called LoTo policy, which applies to the whole procedure.
Furthermore you will learn, in a practice-oriented way, to identify forms of energy, define switch-off points and create LoTo procedures. This will be analyzed depending on the machines, safety areas and facilities.
The introduction of permit procedures, as well as their necessity and type is also part of the training course, as well as effective training methods.
Content of the “Certified LoTo Expert” training course
Module 1:
- Legal Basics
- The company related LoTo policy
- Safely seperating energies
- Electrical, hydraulical and pneumatic features
- Substances, steams, bridges and others
Module 2:
- The LoTo processes
- Local circumstances
- Examination of energy freedom
- Verification of the process
- Training – Methods and their effects
Module 3:
- Risk assessment
- Methods and procedures
- Taking appropriate measures
- Examination of effectiveness
- User information
Your benefit
After the course you will be able to create a company attuned policy and to implement processes. Furthermore you will be able to identify various energy forms and define useful and appropriate switch-off points, as well as methods of examination. You will know how to successfully apply resources and efficiently organize training courses and evaluate learning achievements.
In short, you will be able to implement everything you learned in a full scale.
Course completion
After the successful participation in the LoTo training course you will receive a certificate of attendance.
Furthermore you will have the opportunity of taking a final exam. There are no extra fees for the exam, as they are already covered by the application fee. After successfully passing the exam you will receive the certificate for “Certified LoTo Expert”
Requirements for participation

The training was developed by machine engineering experts, specifically for personell of the following departments:
- Maintenance management
- Company management
- Project management
- Occupational safety and health
Are you interested in the training course but don’t belong to any of the groups listed? Does your day to day work nonetheless require skills and knowledge of the topic? If so we would of course be happy to welcome you on board.